Goodwill Kindergarten offers specialized pre-nursery programs tailored for toddlers who are between the ages of 1-2. These programs are tailored in a manner which helps them participate in novel, fun and engaging activities while benefiting from invaluable life lessons that are disseminated through the same. Our curriculum comprises of innovative learning solutions, activities, pretend play, discovery based learning solutions and several opportunities for toddlers to satiate their thirst for knowledge.
Our pre-nursery programs offer constructive activities for toddlers to engage in and these have been created especially for their interest and learning. We also seek to foster the building of bonds with peers with a view towards enabling the learning of values like teamwork, sharing and honesty above all else. Our educators are specially trained to contribute towards the social, cognitive and creative development of toddlers with learning that is fun and topped up with stories, anecdotes, laughter and games!