Our vision

Our Vision

When Goodwill Public School was founded in the year 1979, we had a simple vision- Imparting quality education and shaping the minds of children who would grow up to become the future leaders of the Nation in whatever fields they chose. This simple vision has influenced much of our activities, pursuits and story till date. We have had a chequered journey over the years and Goodwill Kindergarten has been created out of our endeavor to offer the same benefits of quality learning to children in their infancy which is when they need it the most.

The Nursery curriculum at Goodwill Kindergarten is specially crafted for children of 3 years or age or above. This curriculum level seeks to take things a bit further in terms of more insightful playtime and teaching that is specially tailored to suit the needs of children of this age. We seek to ignite the natural curiosity of children and help them gain a better understanding of their spatial and natural environments along with helping them imbibe key values and philosophies from this tender age itself. Our nursery curriculum seeks to make learning more engaging and to this end, we employ several techniques including storytelling, music, dance, creative activities and excursions.