Now a days parents are facing a difficulty of getting their kids out of hands. And we all know who exactly is responsible for this. Let’s mention some of them, video games, smartphones, laptops, TV and internet. Excess use of all of them results in getting away from physical and mental activities.
There is nothing band with allowing your kids to use electronics. This is a digital age but we need to encourage them to do some physical and mental activities. Today we are sharing 7 tips to keep your kid’s brain sharper by utilizing the things available around.
Kids are always curious and hungry for knowledge, you can shape them better you feed them right. Reading is the best method of learning new things. School books are always wonderful source of learning. The label of ketchup bottle can also help them learn about the product they are consuming, when and where it was made. They can engage themselves with Newspapers, Magazines, Comics and other learning books.
When you are on the road or taking some public transport, you can play games with your kids. Like identifying the white cars and taking a count of every black car. Observe the car number plates of cars and ask about remembering numbers. You can play games like asking you kid to remember the no. of the green bus standing next to your car and he will answer that after 30 minutes. Ask your kids to share some school stories.
Kids who play physical games outside on the swings and parks with kids are more physically and mentally active and keen learners than who keep themselves indulged in Watching TV or playing video games. Engage them by playing a cricket match with them.
Find an interest appropriate for your kids that they haven’t tried before. It could be sculpting a doll using clay, making paintings, paper art, planting trees, making paper planes or anything else. When they learn something new, they stay sharp.
Memory games are the best activities of making your kids stay focussed and sharp. Try simple activities like put some household items into a box, let them see the box content for few seconds. Now ask them to recall all the items placed in the box. This activity is more effective when you have few kids around because it gets competitive at that time.
You don’t need to spend hours for making them better, you can make them smarter by spending 15 minutes a day. Construction activities are wonderful for kids, as they can shape their imagination by performing such activities. There are hundreds of products available in market like Legos, Wooden Puzzles, Smart blocks and many more. Toddlers enjoy by touching and gripping the objects. Two years old may show their imaginative capabilities by fitting these structures into places. A three-year-old can fit pieces together to make complicated structures. Using such kits kids can recreate structures they see around.
If you add few activities like mentioned above, you can help your kid to stay focussed and curious at the same time. And make sure you feed your kids with appropriate answers.