Developing confidence in your kids is a necessity to succeed. Confidence comes from a sense of competence. A confident kid needs a positive and realistic view of his or her abilities. This comes out of achievements which may be big or small. Being a parent, encouraging develop your child’s confidence. Especially, at times you refer to your child’s specific efforts or abilities. To do this, here are some things you should do.
The first step is to help your child set goals which are realistic. Keeping your child in a dream world will not help. When your kids are starting any hobby, it is fine for them to think that they will be best at it. But if they fail to make the mark in that arena, they will get disheartened. Guide your children to set reasonable goals to help them avoid feelings of failure. If the goal is big, discuss some reachable short-term steps towards their goal.
Expose your children to a nice variety of activities. Encourage your kids when they find something they love. Kids, who have some interest in any activity, are rapidly attracted towards getting more knowledge about it. This makes them fulfilled if they excel in these interests. They are more likely to be successful in other areas of their life due to this boost. Hobbies may be particularly helpful for kids who have a hard time at school. You can also help your kid take advantage of this to connect with other kids.
It’s natural to prevent your child from getting hurt, feeling discouraged, or making mistakes. But when you do this often, you are not doing any favors. Kids need to know that it’s okay to fail. It’s normal to feel sad, anxious, or angry. They learn to succeed by overcoming obstacles, not by having you remove them.
Praising your kids help. It is very important to praise your kid and give a positive feedback. Children measure their worth and achievements by what you as a parent think. But be realistic when you praise. If your child fails at something, praise the effort, but don’t praise the results. Tell your kid that it is okay not to be able to do everything.
No one succeeds at everything all the time. There will be failures, criticism and pain. Use them as learning experiences rather than becoming sad on failures or disappointments. Teach them to try and try again. Help kids to learn to trust their feelings and feel comfortable sharing them. Children will learn that setbacks are a normal part of life. Managing them with confidence is necessary.
Independence and adventures are catalysts in this process. Self-confident kids are willing to try new things without fear of failure. But in starting you will need to supervise from the sidelines. Set up situations where your kids can do things for them self. Make sure the situation is a little challenging. For example, show how to make a sandwich and then let your kid try it without you interrupting. Encourage exploration. Day trips and outings, new hobbies, vacations and trips with teammates or schoolmates helps. These all can build confidence in the ability of your kid to handle new situations.
Kids that are confident when they’re able to negotiate to get what they want. A research has found that you can teach even a young child how to solve problems themselves. The key is to keep calm when they deal. For example: If your child comes to you and complains that a kid took his car to the playground. Ask what he thinks would be a good way to get it back. After listening to ideas, you can suggest that he can ask that kid to play together with that car. In this way, he might end up making a new friend.