

How we are using Smartphones for Smart Education

A smartphone is an important part of our life these days. Let it be booking a cab, a movie ticket,...
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Hobbies are not a waste of time

Children are asked to score well in their tests from day one. Parents are fully convinced that their kids will...
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It’s very mixed results outside the lab however.

Painter's novel will not get into this. Politics too is an amazing teacher. Arnold Toynbee, the best world historian ever,...
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Improving concentration in children

Is your kid having problems concentrating or focusing on studies and normal activities? Usually, many kids have difficulty focusing on...
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Teach your kids logical learning

Logical learning is well-organized and is easy to understand. It is important that your child is able to talk or...
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Customizing children’s exposure with digital media and internet

It is very tough that one guardian is always guarding the kids while using all these gadgets. But by getting...
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What to do when your child gets angry

  Here is an article about what to do when your child gets angry. Many parents send their angry kids...
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Teach your kids about team work

  Life is tougher for your kid as he/she grows but if they have the right mates and know how...
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protect your child from sexual abuse

  Worried about protecting your child from sexual abuse ? Let’s understand the risks around. Usually parents discuss about Stranger...
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Prepare your kids for the new class

  Your kid is not ready for the new class? If your kids are starting school for the first time...
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How to teach your kids Moral values

  You help kids develop their moral compasses by teaching your kids moral values. The morals your kids learn will...
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How to make kids manage their homework

  Homework looks very irritating and hard to do for kids. But teachers give homework to their students with a...
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This is how to help your kid in developing creativity

  This is how to help your kid in developing creativity. You cannot plant imagination and creativity into your child,...
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How television is destroying our childrens mind

  How much screen time should your kid have? How much screen time should your kid have? Obviously, screens are...
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Fun things to do with kids this summer

  Need help in thinking about kid-friendly activities for this summer? Our previous post was about watching movies with kids...
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Fun places to visit in Delhi

  Planning to hangout with your little ones ? If not, then make a plan. If you live in Delhi...
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Make your kid’s brain sharper at home

  Concerned about your kid's Cognitive Development? Now a days parents are facing a difficulty of getting their kids out...
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5 Animated movies to watch with kids

  5 Must-Watch Animated Movies that Teach Kids Valuable Life Lessons In our previous post we mentioned about bad effects...
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